Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prom 2011

I cant believe how old my baby girl is! Its like she sprouted up while I was gone. Prom was last friday night and she was so beautiful as you can see in this photo. She is wearing the red dress. That was the dress that I wore to my winter ball. When I saw her I wanted to tear up. Probably because I couldn't fit in that dress anymore ;) HAHA! Actually its really hard to believe. I feel like it was just yesterday that she was telling me not to move away. I remember it like it was yesterday. She was in the 5th grade and she said. "Tam, when you more back I'll be in the 8th grade." Crazy how time really flies by. I hate that I missed those years, but I'm home now and have the honor of capturing her prom.

I love you Beans!

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