Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 hours in the sun... No bueno

So this last few weekends were really good. I met and hung out with Nikki's oldest and dearest friends. Whom by the way I was able to hit it off with right away! And I think I met a distant cousin... Weird... The night ended too soon and Nikki and I found our selves in my favorite place in the states. Ventura. We camped out one night and managed to do it for free. Thought I would bring back my old ways for one night. The next morning we went to the beach which I like to call surfers point but its not. We got there and had a blast. 10 hours in the son. NOT COOL. I now have the worst sun burn I think I have ever had. Its really itchy and hurts to sleep. We made this sweet girl in the sand that took us a few hours but it turned out pretty cool.

The next few days we found ourselves doing what we do best. We did nothing. Nik and I like to drive around and find interesting things to do. So one night we made soup and ate it at the pier. We thought that there was an island in the middle of the water but turns out that it was a giant tree floating around. The picture I have makes it look like the loch ness monster.

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