Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 hours in the sun... No bueno

So this last few weekends were really good. I met and hung out with Nikki's oldest and dearest friends. Whom by the way I was able to hit it off with right away! And I think I met a distant cousin... Weird... The night ended too soon and Nikki and I found our selves in my favorite place in the states. Ventura. We camped out one night and managed to do it for free. Thought I would bring back my old ways for one night. The next morning we went to the beach which I like to call surfers point but its not. We got there and had a blast. 10 hours in the son. NOT COOL. I now have the worst sun burn I think I have ever had. Its really itchy and hurts to sleep. We made this sweet girl in the sand that took us a few hours but it turned out pretty cool.

The next few days we found ourselves doing what we do best. We did nothing. Nik and I like to drive around and find interesting things to do. So one night we made soup and ate it at the pier. We thought that there was an island in the middle of the water but turns out that it was a giant tree floating around. The picture I have makes it look like the loch ness monster.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Pictures are coming!

Sorry I havent posted all the NZ pics but i promise they are coming.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Mother Land! Second Post

Ok so the next few days in NZ were just amazing! My eyes were exploding everyday and I couldnt believe that I actually traveled there. This was my first trip that I have taken over seas and it was just amazing.
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The Mother Land! First post!

July 20th Nikki and I got on a plane and flew across the world. Which I have to say was a flight way too long! When we got to the airport we were over whelmed with excitement and every worry and troubled thought I had, had suddenly disappeared. (not to say that I'm depressed or anything haha) But we were just super excited! I didnt think that the flight was going to be too bad and I would sleep the whole time, but actually I couldnt sleep at all. I took a few hour naps here and there but for the most part I stayed awake. I made a friend on the plane. Actually instead of me writing it here is the email I sent out to most of my family and friends:

So the last day, the 20th of our apartment was the same day that i
left to santa paula. And as soon as i got there i took a shower and
then got in the car and left for the airport. Mrs. Brandon (MOM) took us
there so my car is at their house. So we got to the airport and I was
trying to find a journal because I forgot mine. :( so still looking
for one. When we got on the plane we were seated in the middle row. I
have never been on a plane that big before. I was kind of hoping that
it was going to be a double decker plane, but it wasnt. I sat next to
this old chinese lady who was apparently the cutest lady in the whole
world. She didnt speak english but we seemed to communicate very well.
The plane had terrible turbulence and she would grab my hand or arm
when the plane would really shake. I think she had been praying too
while that was going on because when we got our food she did the sign
of the cross and then ate.And I thought that was really cool. At one
point we fell asleep and she was holding my arm. It melted my heart. I
didnt get to sleep very well on the plane. I would wake up every 2-3
hours because my neck and butt started to hurt. I watched like 50
movies I swear. I started out with diary of a wimpy kid which I
thought was cute, and ended watching bounty hunter. So finally we
landed in Australia and got lost. I think we walked around for a
little while and had to get directed to this place called transfers
because we didnt have our next ticket yet. Finally about 45 min later
we found it. We were also goofing around with our cameras taking
pictures of everything so thats why it took so long. The people there
are so nice!!! The security at the Ausi airport was so easy and they
were so nice. Its nothing like the people in LA who are all so mean
and want you to get in and out as fast as you can. Thats when I wrote
on everyone's facebook. So back on another plane we go. This flight I
slept through the whole time. I think it was a 3 hour flight but was
too tired to even care what time it was. I just had to sleep. So when
we landed in NZ we were so excited. We walked out side and asked each other, "What now" haha so we hopped on a bus which took us down
town. It was a 14 dollar ticket for backpakers. Which I thought was
really cool. So we got off at our first stop which is walking distance
from the place we are going to pick up our camper van. We stayed in a
hostel which is now my first experience in one. We got a room with 3
bunk beds and three other girls slept in there with us. They were from
the London and had been traveling for 10 months. I was like
whhhaaaaa??? Dang thats a long time. So I guess
this brings me to today. We get our camper van in a few in a few hours
so I'm really excited to see what it looks like. Oh and Ps... I thought
that it was going to be freezing cold out here but its not at all. I
think it gets colder in Ventrua at night then it is here. Lets hope i
dont eat my words :)

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

The last few months have been crazy!!!

The past few months have been really crazy. I promised myself that I was going to do a 360 project be failed. :/ I guess I need more discipline. I have seen a whole lot of family the past few months on and off and LOVED it. First was my little group, and probably the coolest kids I have every known. My aunt and uncle came out to see me on their vacation which always makes me feel special.

As you can see we never have a dull moment.

As the week flew by I found myself at a family wedding for Will's side. It was so nice. I was so happy that I could have been able to make it out there. His family is so cool and are A LOT like my family. Everyone just likes to have fun. Its amazing how God answers prayers because I have always prayed for God to not only bring me an amazing man, but someone who has a family like mine and he did. :) I love those Farmeries and Willrodts! Nothing but pure fun all the time. Drinks were never slim pickings and I found one in my hand everyday. ;)

Shortly after an amazing time I had to move once again. James and my mom came out to help me with the great move. Man I HATE moving. But they were champs about it and we piled through all my junk and stored it all.

Again NEVER a Dull moment

The day I left to New Zealand, my dog Max died. I didn't know that he had died until two days after I returned. I was super bummed all day. Its crazy how much an animal means to a family. Max was 18. I was dreading the day that it happened, and it finally came. I still remember the day I got him. I was 7. This little white fur ball came up to me and started licking my face. I wanted to call him fluffy but my brother got to name him since I picked him out. Good thing my parents planned it out that way because he was a fluffy dog but Max is a much cooler name. Even though he was just an animal he was a huge part of my family's life. 18 years a long time to have a dog. They go from being a dog to a member of your family. I know I'm the one who is taking it the hardest because he was my best friend all of growing up. If you've seen Marley and Me you know what I'm talking about. He was a great dog, and is greatly missed.

Ill post a pic of him later.

Signing out
