Thursday, December 2, 2010

Whoop! I dont know what to call this

Sachi invited Vanessa and I to go food tasting for her wedding. The food was soooo stinking good I wanted to keep eating. But took pictures instead...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So a while back Ash came over to help me test out my studio and we took some pics. I forgot about them until now.

Christmas Cards!!!

Ohhhh Its that time of year again. I love the smell of winter in the morning. The Sanchez family is so cute! I love their family! These are the Christmas cards that I came up with for their family! I hope you like!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Photoshop One Oh One!!!

I'm offering a Photoshop course for anyone who is interested. I see many aspiring photographers who have the talent and skill to make a photograph and are eager to learn more. If anyone is interested in learning the basics on how to properly edit your photos let me know. My rates are going to be starting at $300 for a two week session. I will meet you thee times a week and work around your schedule.

This will be a course of:
Finding the correct exposure of your photo
Color Correcting
Editing your photo (i.e stamp tool and lasso tool)
Properly using each tool and why everyone of them is important
And how to edit skin textures

Ill also include lightroom tutorials as well if you have the program.

If you take the first course with me Ill start a second course at $200

This will be a more extensive class that will be two weeks as well.

I will put your skills to the test by giving you specific photographs and having you do
many things to them.
Ill show you how to build posters out of a simple photo
Professionally edit a portrait and dig deeper into how to make your photograph look like a magazine shot.

You can contact me @ 505-553-4515


The Sanchez Family

Fall is my favorite time of year! I love to see the trees turn red, then yellow until they are bald. I think its the most calming time of year for anyone. For me, its a time to think and reflect before the new year comes. This last weekend I was able to shoot such a beautiful family. Aaron and Maison have such a beautiful little boy. I hope you enjoy the pics!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Overman in the Oven

I had the pleasure of shooting Kristin's Prego pics yesterday. This is what I got :D Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ethan Tafoya

Took pics of my baby nephew. I'm so in love with this little guy! I cant stand it! I want to bite his cheeks!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sena Reunion

This last weekend was our Second Annual Sena Reunion. We have had reunions in the past but second time around we are doing them every year. I love it! I wasn't able to go last year but this year I took some pics to embed the memories of my crazy family. I also was in charge of activities but failed at it. I brought a football that was only used by the little ones. haha Well better luck next time! I wish that Will was there with me. :( He was missed greatly and everyone asked about him. It made me miss him like crazy just being around family.

Powder Puff

This week was Homecoming week. I feel like I was just a Senior playing Powder Puff with a sprained ankle. Ill never forget walking into practice with crutches and everyone thought I was joking around. It was Little James' 11th birthday and we went to Put-Put. Put-Put has one of my favorite video games. I was getting really into it shooting all the bad guys when I had finally died. I jumped off the game to get more tokens and bam popped my ankle. But happy to say I still played that powder puff game and made all the touchdowns! Whooo! GO ME! HAHA. After the game I had about 50 kids on top of me for making the winning touchdown. I thought I was going to be crushed to death.

Last night was Kylas game. She played the freshmen. She lost her game but she didn't leave any of them any mercy. She tackled a girl and started laughing. Now thats my girl right there!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Black glass meets baby!

We had a lot of fun sticking her in small things. Cant wait to shoot more of this precious face!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jemez Sprigs

More Camping Pics from this weekend.

Boys will be Boys!

We went Camping and had an amazing day at the Jemez springs. Brandon and Ashley's little one had his first experience camping. He was covered in dirt and was loving it. His cousins Phil and Kristin's little ones were having just as much fun. I think with the three of them, they could have filled a lunch bag with how much dirt was on them. :D But they wouldn't have had it any other way.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Will Caught Jack Sparrow!!!

From U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Public Affairs

MANAMA, Bahrain (NNS) -- At approximately 5 a.m. local time, Sept. 9, 24 U.S. Marines from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit's Maritime Raid Force (MRF) aboard USS Dubuque (LPD 8) operating under Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151), boarded and seized control of Antigua-Barbuda-flagged, German–owned vessel M/V Magellan Star from pirates who attacked and boarded the vessel early Sept 8.

This successful mission by Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) secured the safety of the ship's crew and returned control of the ship to the civilian mariners. Nine pirates are currently under control of CTF 151, pending further disposition. This ship's crew has not reported any injuries or casualties. There were no reported injuries from the U.S. Maritime Raid Force.

The CTF-151 flagship, TCG Gökçeada, a Turkish frigate, was the first ship on scene, responding to a distress call received from Magellan Star, Sept. 8. Two additional warships assigned to CTF-151, USS Dubuque (LPD 8) and USS Princeton (CG 59) arrived in the vicinity of the attack to provide support to Gökçeada.

Turkish Navy Rear Adm. Sinan Ertugrul, commander, CTF-151 said, "units from the multi-national maritime force, under Combined Task Force 151, are actively engaged in anti-piracy operations. This regional problem, truly, has global impact and we are completely committed to bringing the disruptive acts of piracy to an end. We have full support of the international community and will continue to do everything possible to bring security to the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin."

CTF-151 is one of three task forces operated by the 25 nation Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). CTF-151 was established in January 2009 in order to deter, disrupt, and suppress piracy, protecting maritime vessels of all nationalities and securing international freedom of navigation.

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Charlie test

Today I shot charlie exactly at noon and the light was much easier to shoot in. shot at iso 320 2.8 160. No noise and much better! Not too sure if i still like the background. I may paint it a nice green????

Made a makeshift studio! haha

So this past weekend I have had a lot of time on my hands. So why not build a studio in my garage? I had Amy and little Li over for a test shoot. I'm pretty happy with the results but decided that I have to shoot earlier in the day when the sun is on top of my house. Going to try that next. I dont like shooting past 400 with people and I had to this session. So pics are a little noisy. Tried to reduce the noise....Oh and need to go buy a swifter wet jet thing. I didnt realize how fast the floor got dirty. Maybe i can get some carpet or a rug to have people wipe their feet off before. Well this is what I got.

Monday, September 6, 2010

What a sweet home welcoming!

I'm home! Just for the record. I hate driving! The drive from LA to Albuquerque is probably the worst drive ever. Its so boring and I have done it too many times. But on the plus side I got to meet my new super cute wanna bite makes my teeth clench nephew. And of course everyone else. Including my amazing little charlie who was shaking because I was home. Nikki came down with me and flew back the next day so I'm having separation anxiety haha. Going to start my daily run as of today. 20 min everyday except sunday. (lets see how it goes)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Going Hiking in Big Bear!

Went hiking and found these old mines. It was super scary going in considering the fact that just a few nights before Nikki and I watched the Decent... Not a cool movie to watch and then a few days later walking into a cave. The whole time I kept thinking that a monster was going to jump out of the darkness and I was going to have to fight it off with my camera.

I may or may have not fallen in love with Starbucks.

So every night Nikki had to work I would tag along because I have nothing better to do with my life. With Will being gone I have found that I have more time on my hands then ever before. I'm not sure yet if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

10 hours in the sun... No bueno

So this last few weekends were really good. I met and hung out with Nikki's oldest and dearest friends. Whom by the way I was able to hit it off with right away! And I think I met a distant cousin... Weird... The night ended too soon and Nikki and I found our selves in my favorite place in the states. Ventura. We camped out one night and managed to do it for free. Thought I would bring back my old ways for one night. The next morning we went to the beach which I like to call surfers point but its not. We got there and had a blast. 10 hours in the son. NOT COOL. I now have the worst sun burn I think I have ever had. Its really itchy and hurts to sleep. We made this sweet girl in the sand that took us a few hours but it turned out pretty cool.

The next few days we found ourselves doing what we do best. We did nothing. Nik and I like to drive around and find interesting things to do. So one night we made soup and ate it at the pier. We thought that there was an island in the middle of the water but turns out that it was a giant tree floating around. The picture I have makes it look like the loch ness monster.