I had so much fun with this little guy I couldnt pick which ones to post on my blog so I went a little crazy with the pics. I hope you enjoy looking at them as I did shooting them!
I've never been so nervous in my life! Denver has had this planned for quite some time now and its finally happened. Being apart of it was such an honor. One of my best friends is now engaged! Two more besties and all my bff's will be hitched! So let me explain the story...
Thursday night Vanessa came to me and asked me if I could do couples pics of her and Denver. YES! I said. Denver, Will and I have been trying to get her to go to the Jemez mountains for about a week so that this could go down. But with this being her idea it was perfect and she was clueless! We've been painting with light for about a few weeks now. Something that is super fun when you have nothing else to do and are wanting to have fun in the dark. Friday night Denver came over to my house at 1:00 am and we started painting the big question. We didn't get don't until 3:30 am. Which was super hard for me the next morning but well worth it. The next day was mud Volleyball. And if you were there, no words can describe how much mud I found in places mud shouldn't be. I came home, showered, and headed to Vanessa's house. We all met up in "Roxanne" and went our way. We took pics at an ice cream place and then went to Corrales which is Super pretty. Then it started to go down. I took a few pics and then called Vanessa and Denver to come look at some of the pics. We laughed at some of the faces that they were making and then scrolled over to the first pics which said "Will" she laughed and thought that I was messing around and forgot to delete a painting with light of Will's name. Then the next one said "You" I loved that the whole time she read these out loud. Then the next "Marry" she said that her heart kind of started to beat but she still thought that will and i were just messing around. Then the last. Which was the pics of Denver holding the sparklers. At this point Vanessa screamed "DEEEENVVVVERRRRR" and freaked out. I was super shaky and started to cry so some of my pics were out of focus because i didn't have a steady hand. But it worked out perfectly and she was completely taken by surprise!