Friday, April 29, 2011

Will and I are going to Macedonia!

Hi everyone!!! So this weekend Will and I are doing a Bike-A-Thon Tandom! We are hoping to go 26 miles this sunday and would be so grateful if you would be interested in donating to us for each mile we go. If you donate a dollar and we go 26 miles thats 26 dollars that you will be donating. Please call me if you are interested to help send us to Macedonia for a missions trip! Thank you so much everyone!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Made a badge! :)

I made a FB badge! Click on the link and "Like" My Facebook page! Please and Thank you!

Like I do Productions

Promote Your Page Too

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My dear friend Marty Thomas!

Hey everyone! My dear friend Marty Thomas has hid new film coming out Called Killer Holiday!

Check it out!
Mean While I have some stills for you to look at from my time with him on set with Marty and Michael Copon. Two genuine guys!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Ok so I have been doing some research this week on how to make my photos different from all the other photographers out there. So this week I have been really just sitting at my computer putting my skills and my degree to the test. I took some pics and really played around. This is what I came up with! I'm really excited about it! I cant wait to use this on a lucky couple out there!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Like My photo page get a free print!

Hey guys! As some of you know I am trying to build my reputation out here in NM. Its slowing coming together for me. The free photo shoot was a hit. I got a lot of people with that. Unfortunately I cant do free sessions all the time. I would if bringing home the bread wasn't so expensive these days. BUT I will offer this. If you get your friends on Facebook to like my photo page and to write a comment on my wall I will give you a free 8x10 print with your next session with me. It will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys! And I love that you all are checking out my blog! My rates are getting higher and higher every month. I'm at 500 views a month! Woooo!!!!

Family day out

Monday, April 11, 2011

Before and after

I promised that I would post this to some people that I would show the before and after.