Tuesday, March 22, 2011

.5 Andrew + .5 Sara = 1 whole Jaken

Its never fails me to fall in love with a dad holding his daughter. More so then a son. I feel like there is bond between a father and his daughter that is truly deeper then anyone can understand except him. Andrew and Sara are great parents. They are raising an amazing little girl with already such personality. I can see the Lord working in their lives and it makes me so happy to be able to witness the Lords love in front of my eyes. We went to the bosque ( which reminds me... FIND A NEW SPOT TAMARA) I'm sorry I have been failing you my dearest clients with only trees. I myself am starting to get bored with the same backgrounds. But I do have an excuse. I have been super busy with Unrvld. (which is another blog.)

I hope you guys enjoy this family as much as I do!

Another beautiful baby!!!

I had the pleasure of shooting the Lewis family. What a beautiful baby they have! Her eyes are so amazing!

Anywho... I hope you like :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


More clients taking advantage of the free session I offered!